Ever have one of those moments where God just grabs your attention? It could be through a song, amazing nature, the kind deeds of others - a whole slew of things. Last week God grabbed me through the words of a neighbor.
The typical reaction to our "news" varies between shock and awe (jaw drop, look of utter surprise, hand over the mouth), laughter, to all sorts of comments about how we are going to have our hands full, how busy we are going to be, how expensive paying for 5 kids will be, etc. Pretty much the reactions that L and I had when we found out.
Last week I was outside with the kids when our neighbor lady from across the street came out to say hello. I hadn't talked to her since before Xmas, so I looked a little different then I did 6 months ago. (OK, a lot different, but lets not focus on the largeness people). After chatting and catching up a bit, she asked the obvious question: "So, when are you due?"
"Here we go", I thought. Every time I get this question, it typically leads into the same conversation. Second question will be "Do you know what you are having?", followed by, "Oh my gosh! Do twins run in your family? Did you use fertility? You guys are going to be busy, blah blah blah..."
So, I just went ahead and spilled the beans all at once...
"My official date is August 9th, but will probably deliver in mid-July because it's twins again, a boy and a girl."
As I braced myself for the barrage of crazy questions, she said, "Oh my gosh - you are truly blessed. What an amazing blessing. Children are such a gift - God has granted you an amazing gift."
Excuse me? Did you say I was blessed? Did you say God had granted us an amazing gift?
No comments about how crazy our life was going to be? Nothing about how hard having 5 children will be? No intrusive questions about how the kids were conceived?
It was like God had put his hands on my shoulders and shook me. It was like he was saying to me, "Don't you get it? Don't you realize how lucky you are? I have blessed you, so stop whining and worrying and being scared. Embrace the gift you big dummy!"
God used my neighbor lady, and her amazing faith, to pull me out of my overwhelmed pity party. She made me realize that we are blessed. And no matter how hard, or chaotic, or crazy our life is, God has blessed us. And I need to remember that.
Now, I can't guarantee that every time you talk to me, or every time I write, I am going to ooze grateful blessedness. Because we are heading into a huge crazy mess that is going to be hard. But, I am going to work on thanking God a lot more for what he has bestowed on us, and remembering that he will be walking with us on this journey.
Thank you neighbor lady, for speaking the truth, shaking me back onto a grateful path, and sharing God's voice with me.
YEA!!!! I agree...what a blessing!!!