Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Almighty Excuse

There are lots of disadvantages to having 5 kids.   But, I have realized that having 5 kids works as an excuse for all kinds of situations.....

"Hey - you're 20 minutes late!"
Sorry, I have 5 kids....

"Mam, do you realize you drove right through that stop sign?"
So sorry officer, but I have 5 kids....

"Is there any way you could volunteer to supervise a bunch of crazy kids on the class field trip?"
I would love to, but I have 5 kids....

"Hi mam - I am selling really crappy unattractive wrapping paper for my marching band's trip to Slovenia.  Would you like to buy some?"
Hmm, that sure is some nice paper, but I have no extra money since we have 5 kids....

"You are only supposed to have 10 items in this line, and you have 45."
So sorry - I didn't realize I was in the wrong lane.  I was distracted by my 5 kids.....

"Can you watch out-of-control bratty Johnny while I go get my nails done?"
Aw man, wish I could, but I have 5 kids....

"Mom, can you wash this shirt for tomorrow morning?"
Sorry buddy, but I have 5 kids....

"Why are we having cereal for dinner again?"
Duh - I have 5 kids......

"Do you realize there is some sort of fungus growing out of your toilets?"
I wish I had time to get that clean, but I have 5 kids

"Haven't you worn that pair of sweatpants 4 days in a row?"
Maybe - I have 5 kids....

"Do you realize you haven't updated your blog in almost a month?"
I have 5 kids....

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