Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Whaddya Doin?

So, where's the Hip Momma been?  Why no entertaining blog posts?  The massive throng of Hip Momma blog followers have been checking and re-checking this site, and yet no new posts in weeks.    So, what have you been up to one may ask.....

Well, I've been washing a lot of this.....
And changing a lot of these.....
And spending lots of time hanging out with a 2 year old in here, so she doesn't have to wear the above item any more.......
And not pulling up the sheets or covers on this.....Or sleeping very much in this......
 And doing a really bad job washing a lot of this.....
 And spending a lot of quality time hooked up to this....
(if you don't know what this is, don't ask)
And searching endlessly for these.......
 And trying to turn this.....
Into this.....

 That's what I've been doin'

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, this is great! THanks Heather for making me smile! Keep up the good work Momma! Even though many may not see what you do- God does and he is pleased- keep it up!!
