Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sittin' on my Duff

As my due date creeps slowly closer, my body is increasingly feeling the pain and pressure of carrying two little people in it.  I am starting to walk like a slow-moving elephant, and getting in and out of anything is increasingly comical.  And then there are the questions of my due date - they have turned from inquiries of interest to inquiries with hidden tones of  "Please tell me you are due soon because you are HUGE!".

Over the last week, the frequency of my Braxton Hicks contractions (or Fakey contractions as I call them) has increased.  They increased enough yesterday that I earned myself a trip to the hospital for some one-on-one time with a Non-Stress Test machine.  After an hour hooked up to 3 different monitors and a nurse checking me in unpleasant places, I have found myself sitting on the couch on "bed-rest".

And so it begins......

I'm having flashbacks to 6 1/2 years ago with Twin Pregnancy #1 when I found myself in the same position.  Sitting on my hiney, feeling completely helpless and unproductive - noticing every unclean nook and cranny of my house from my resting spot and making mental lists of all the things that need to be done that I can't do because I am supposed to be resting and off my feet.  Except this time, I am trying to manage three little people from the confines of the couch on top of it.

Luckily, thanks to some wonderful neighbors and some well-timed visits from family, the kids are for the most part scheduled to be entertained and engaged without me having to have the TV on for 16 hours straight.  

I'm crossing my fingers that given a couple days of inactivity, my body will calm down and I can resume normal function.  If not, the next couple weeks until these babies arrive may be a tad bit interesting!

1 comment:

  1. I wish we lived closer!!!! I would be there to help with the kiddos, bring you some great chick flicks, ice cream, and some company!!!! Keep up the good work!! You are awesome!!!!!!!!
