Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sleep (or Not So Much Sleep) Patterns

Several of you have asked how the "Pain in the Posterior" is going.  Basically, after 3 months of seeing the chiropractor, trying lots of different medications, and sleeping in all types of places it is still here.  So, an overnight usually goes like this:

10pm - Take nausea drug that kinda knocks me out and cross my fingers that it works
10:02pm - Use the restroom
10:15pm - Lay down
10:30pm - Fall asleep
11:30pm - Get up to use the restroom
11:45 - 12am - Toss and turn trying to find a spot where my butt doesn't hurt
12am - Give up and head to rocker in nursery
12:05am - Go to the restroom
12:15 - Fall asleep sitting straight up in rocker
2:15am - Go to restroom
2:30am - Fall back asleep in rocker sitting straight up
4:30am - Wake up and decide to try the bed again
4:32am - Go to restroom
4:35 - 5am - Go back to bed, toss and turn trying to find "non-pain in the butt" position
5am - Give up and go back to rocker
6:30am - Wake up in chair aching all over except for in butt, which feels fine
7-7:30am - Stand in shower for half hour trying to loosen up all my muscles from sleeping in a chair all night

During all of this L is trying to get a good night of sleep as well, which isn't going too well in between me flipping around all over the bed and disappearing into different chairs around the house at strange times at night. 

We both have decided we will probably get more sleep when the twins actually arrive versus this mess. 

Never thought I would say I am ready to have a baby so I can get more sleep.

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