Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's the Final Countdown

My induction has been moved up.  Come Tuesday morning, if nothing happens before then, I’m headed to the hospital to have a little pitocin and hopefully some babies.

The last time I was induced with the first set of twins we didn’t have much warning – we went in on a Monday afternoon and the doctor said, “See you tomorrow morning for your induction.”  We had one night to not sleep, worry about having babies, and then head to the hospital. This time, I’ve got three whole days to muddle over the fact that two more babies are being added to our family.

To be honest, it is a completely strange feeling.  Three days until massive chaos hits. Three days until I have 2 more kids to take care of. Three days until I have little infants who want to eat every three hours.  Three days until the breast feeding/pumping/diaper changing/infant crying/spit up begins.

What things should I make sure I get done?

Laundry?  Cleaning? Quality time with each kid?  Grocery shopping?  Do my nails?  Attempt at shaving? Repaint the bathroom?  Blogging?  Last minute phone calls?  Reorganize the junk drawer?  Clean out the lint trap on the dryer?  Redecorate the living room?

I have this panicked feeling that I will never have one iota of free time ever again, and so I have to scramble to get everything perfect in the next 3 days.  Possible – no, and yet I still have this strange compulsion to try and do it.

So, if you see me outside cleaning windows, or vacuuming out the car, or anything else strange that a pregnant lady probably shouldn’t be doing, just leave me be.  It’s just a crazy pregnant lady with 3 days left until chaos ensues just trying to do the best she can.

1 comment:

  1. SSOOOOOSSSSSOOOOOO exciting!!! I can't wait for these babies to arrive!!! Good luck friend and sending you and those little babies lots of prayers!!! Much love always, ((((hugs)))), xoxoxoxoxoxoxo, Carrie
